
Werdenberger & Obertoggenburger
Title: Orlando Bassi has established a wig manufacturing facility on the Indonesian Island of the Gods.
Summary: In a half-hour-long documentary film, the young filmmaker Josia Sutter showcases how Werdenberger lives there and what makes him tick as a businessman.

Latest News from Liechtenstein -
Orlando Bassi: Between thirty and forty percent of Broadway wigs come from us
BUCHS - The trained hairdresser and make-up artist Orlando Bassi founded the Atelier Bassi in Buchs in 1990 and fulfilled his long-cherished dream. To Volksblatt, he share some story of his career, his successes and his everyday work in Bali. (Video in German)

"I have my first movie for America"
Dream factory - Orlando Bassi grow up in Buchs and now produces wigs in Bali. He has been conquered Hollywood and Broadway since long time a go. With his movie studio in Indonesia, he just produced his first major movie: a horror movie, which he was also responsible for the special effects and Set design (Text in German) 21.04.2018

Online Magazine SWISSINFO
The shorn locks of Indian women are prized worldwide for high-end wigs and hair extensions, but growing domestic demand could mean shortages for Hollywood and Broadway.

Weekly Newspaper COOPERAZIONE
"I think I suffer from Peter Pan syndrome," says Orlando Bassi. One of the world`s greatest make-up artists and wig manufacturers tells us about his life in Bali. [Article in Italian]

Weekly Newspaper MIGROS MAGAZIN
Orlando Bassi’s hair pieces and wigs are used on Broadway as well as in Hollywood productions. They are produced in a factory in Bali, where the Swiss entrepreneur has been living for over ten years. [Article in German]

Weekly Newspaper RHEINZEITUNG
Orlando Bassi, hairdresser and make-up artist from Buchs, lives for his passion filmmaking and this especially in the climate of Bali. He has been living in Indonesia for 14 years and manages four companies operation in the world of film in Bali. "The development process is more interesting than the final film" says Orlando Bassi. [Article in German]

Sunday Newspaper LIEWO
Whether it is wigs, beards or sometimes even pubic hair, make-up products or torn legs: You get all that from Orlando Bassi and much more. It all began in the quiet village of Buchs/Switzerland and now goes from Bali into the whole world – an exceptional career. [Article in German]

Online Magazine METRO UK
Watch the Balinese wig makers supplying Hollywood, step inside the everyday life of workers at a wig maker in Bali, Indonesia, with the pictures of this gallery.

For Orlando Bassi it is all about making films, wigs and special effects among the rice paddies.

Online Magazine THE BRANDER
Initially, Orlando Bassi settled down on the island of Bali to set up a business in wig making. His hand-made hairpieces – and occasionally outrageous wigs – are sold all over the globe and frequently destined to decorate famous heads.

Lifestyle Magazine Z - DIE SCHÖNEN SEITEN
Hair for Hollywood, Atelier Bassi manufactures wigs for shows, movies and British barristers. They are all handmade and produced in Bali. [Article in German]

One company that has found success in the wig industry can be found deep in the Ubud jungles of Bali. Sari Rambut, a well-respected producer of theatrical and film wigs, was founded by Swiss make-up artist Orlando Bassi along with his Balinese Business partner Nengah. They credit the company’s success to the extraordinary skill and hand-eye coordination of the Balinese staff, writes Getty Photographer Putu Sayoga.

Daily Newspaper JAKARTA POST
A small, hidden village near Ubud is not where you’d expect to find a shining slice of Hollywood glamour. But in Abuan, Bangli, a 30-minute drive from Ubud, Orlando Bassi is making wigs for the entertainment world.